
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Got A Hitch In My Get-A-Long During THE BIG PURGE OF 2011...

To borrow the term from a good friend who purged her life last year, I am beginning our BIG PURGE this year.  In the process of going through my books (which is traumatic in itself) I pinched something (Sciatic nerve?) in my right butt cheek.  Hurts like %#@&*!!!

After two days of lying around in agony, today, hubby and I ventured out to run some errands... I wore two ICY HOT PATCHES one on my lower back, one on my right butt cheek and a back brace around my middle.  I also swallowed a huge Motrin 800... so far, so good.

I may pop in here and there to blog, but I have a huge under taking before me.  My hubby (Mr. Clean) is going to assist me.  He has always traveled very light, so the opportunity to "un-load" a lot of "stuff" has him highly motivated.  I suppose, in putting up with my "organized clutter" is a testament to how much he loves me....

I asked him not to call my stuff "crap" and to be patient with me.  As I write this, I wonder if asking for his help was a smart idea...this could be potentially very regrettable.  If I turn my back he may toss out with zero regard...then again, maybe it is better his way...

Obviously, I have emotional and sentimental attachments to most of my "stuff"... yet, now, I want, I yearn to have a simpler life with less stuff.  I have discussed this goal on my blog I need to just shut up and get it done.  If I am not blogging as often, you now know why...


DJan said...

Donna, I have to laugh at the realization that we are both married to the same kind of man! And that we are also alike in our "organized clutter." I remember the first time he told me that he thought I wasn't organized at all, before he figured out I could find things just as easily as he could! It just looks different.

I've done that a few times to my back, it almost always comes (for me) when I lean too far forward and try to pick up something. It usually goes away (again for me) in a few days. Here's hoping!

Sultan said...

It is always sad to see one's beloved clutter go.

Southhamsdarling said...

It IS sad to see things that we have lovingly collected over the years, go. We always used to go to Antiques Fairs and have lots of bits and pieces around, but I do find that the older I get, the simpler I want things to be. There is so much I want to get rid of, and I think I will just have to be brutal, and then perhaps take it to the local Auction house. I know that, apart from a couple of little things, my daughters won't want any of it when I'm gone!

Donna B. said...

DJan: LOL yes, it is an interesting realization. I should refer to my husband as Mr. Clean, which he is. Very tidy. I also call him Jack the Ripper, because when he opens the mail, he checks everything and then rips it up. I made me save our statements "just in case" there is a problem. A couple of times it has helped us, but he had this system for years. Like I said, he travels light...

He totally relies on me to file things because he has no "system" other than putting it in a particular spot. I can find everything.

I was in a bad car accident in 1966. Tore all the muscles along the left side of my back. Normally, it is my left side that bothers me, but I am really clueless how I did it. Like I said, I had fallen asleep in my recliner with the foot rest down instead of up....maybe it put un do strain on my lower back and knees. At least it is feeling better now...

Laoch: Mr, you can say THAT again! Yet I am ready...I want to part friends and allow the clutter to go live with some one else...

Thisisme: I agree. The older I get, the simplier I want my life to be. I find it a big chore to dust off all this is no longer bringing me the joy it once did.

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

I grew up with many "loved" and "cherished" things around me. As I became an adult...I carried on the tradition. It was not until I lost both my husband and my mother that I realized that they were just that.....things. I then did my own purge. If I hadn't seen it, used it or had a place for it in the last year...then I didn't need it...and out the door it went. It actually took me about three of these purges before I was clutter free. Each one I was able to let go of more and more....each time feeling freer and freer. Hang in will get there. It is all about the baby steps.

Chatty Crone said...

Good luck - my hubby is like that too. sandie

Teresa said...

i've let go of a lot but i still have stuff to purge. ron has even more (tools) and he's finally agreed for me to get rid of them. that will come over the course of the next few months. it's hard...

i have things that have been handed down in my family for generations. do i hold onto them or what? mostly (if they're little) then i'll hang onto them to see what grandkids might want them. other things, ron has already given his kids.

gayle said...

I've had that same problem with my back side too and it's so very painful. Hope yours heals soon! I have got to get rid of "things". I still have some of my girls dolls and all they are doing is taking up space. My husband is terrible. He has been working on getting rid of stuff in his shop and I can't tell that he has done anything. He saves everything and doesn't like to throw away anything because he always says he might need it for something.