
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February transitons...

I'm here...lots on my mind.  I have not figured out how to express it....yet. 

Is it me, or is time racing by?


Marylinn Kelly said...

With the end of February arriving tomorrow, I'd say, yes, time is racing by. As for how to express all that runs through us...I just finished a novel, ROUND ROCK by Michelle Huneven (who is from the area where I live) and she is certainly an inspiration to work on the descriptive part of writing and, for fiction, create characters you want to go on and on. Aren't we fortunate, though, to have to choose among many forms of expression. xoxo

Donna B. said...

Hi Marylinn...You aren't kidding February FLEW by like a rocket! Here it is March...Every year it seems life turns on it's "after burners" with more powerful fuel...I need to lasso my life and reign it in. I find myself getting further and further behind instead of gaining momentum...This cold/sinus infection is not helping either...