
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just one of those days...

At least I did not stay in my pajamas all day, like I did the first two days of this week... I dressed and took Izzy for a walk...but still felt "down in the dumps".  Found myself holed up at my desk, surfin' blogs.  It was one of those days, where nothing I wrote, I liked...


Vegas Linda Lou said...

It's okay to have those days now and then. The weather couldn't have helped!

maggie said...

Wish I had a good joke to tell you but I got nothing. Curl up with a good book by the fire is what I do on those days. I will also just ask myself- If I didn't have to do anything at all what would I like to do?

gayle said...

I know how you feel!

Friko said...

I left a comment some time ago, but I can't find it. Wonder what happened?

Sorry, that your day has been a bit of a dead loss. Keep writing, something will come out eventually. It always does. My drearier days are often the most productive.
Hope tomorrow is better.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I hope that you are having better days. Just read through many of your past posts and the last two paragraphs from January 14th describe me to a tee. Something I definitely I have to work. Gotta tell you though, pajamas are my most favorite clothing and I get in them as soon as I can each and every day. In fact, on the weekends, sometimes you can't get me out of them. Wishing you much peace and joy, blessings, Tammy

Gutsy Living said...

I think we can all relate. As you know we cannot be fabulous every day, now can we?

Donna B. said...

Thank you ladies for your kind words and support:

Gutsy: True,those down days are for recharging.

T: Glad we can relate...and I really got a big smile from your pajama comment. I referenced you in a recent blog...

Friko: Thank you for the insight...

Gayle: You too? :}

Maggie: Great suggestion and one I usually use.

Linda: Yeah, gotta take the good with the bad...