
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Thank you so much for the feed back, support, and understanding. I write for myself, in order to grow, learn and communicate. When someone relates to my thoughts, igniting a thought they in turn share, it invigorates me, hearing an other's truth, and it always makes me feel alive and stimulated part of the circle of life.  We are all in this world together, united by far more than we realize.

I do over analyze and dissect things...I have always been hyper vigilant...
but, if I cut away all of my wondering, pondering and pause,
I would be proud if the highlights of my 63 years of my life were:

To be here.
To have the gift of sight.
To have the ability to speak and communicate.
To be healthy and capable
To have the ability to move and dance.
To be my parents daughter,
To be my two daughters Mother,
To be my two grandsons, (soon to be three) Grandma "Teataw"...
To be my Sister's sister and best friend,
To be my Father's Advocate and first born child,
To be my five brothers sister,
To be my husband's wife and partner for the rest of our life together,
To be step mother to my husband's six children,
To be step grandmother to his six grand children.
To be the Care taker of all the animals I have loved.
To be Friends with all my wonderful friends, who bless my life.
To purchase a home on my own, after my divorce, for my daughters and myself
Writing in all my journals for the past forty five years.
Painting "STAR GAZER", which hangs in my sister's house
Doing these blogs,
Meeting all you wonderful bloggers,
And knowing each day is a gift.


Chatty Crone said...

I think if you force yourself to do this every day - for the rest of your life - you'll find the answers you seek. sandie

DJan said...

Yep, it's a gift, these blogging friends. You are certainly enriching my life, Donna. Thanks for your thoughtful comments, too...

Teresa said...

you rock. you are such a great friend, even though it's "only" online. i get a lot of "thinking" from your thoughts. thanks.

Donna B. said...

Sandie (Chatty), DJan, and Teresa...thank you my friends...