
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Magpie #77: Her Soft Place to Fall...

Edward Hopper, 1947, Summer Evening
Photograph presented by Tess Kincaid
Hostessed challenge by Magpie Tales

it always was sexual
between them...
it was the magnet
which drew them together...

at first,
she reveled in the headiness
of their chemistry,
feeling the power
in his attraction...

knowing his eyes
were always
upon her body,
wanting her...

every woman
needs to feel
this abandon
at least once...

its good.
very good.
but she wanted more...

not a ring...
not commitment...

she knew they couldn't
stay apart long enough
to get to know
one another

she knew he would hold her back
the way men do when you're all they have
he wasn't curious, ambitious or handy
he was her soft place to fall...



DJan said...

It's so true... if a man can't see a woman as more than an object, he will definitely hold her back...

Helen said...

Intimate and steamy ... I enjoyed this!

Kathryn Stripling Byer said...

Donna, thank you again for your comment on my Magpie poem. This is quite a powerful piece--it begins especially strong, almost a muscular movement, and it's on target about the emotional and physical attraction and resistance.

The Blog of Bee said...

Definitely a tale of sexual wanting but at the same time knowing that that is fleeting and the need will always be ore. Lusty poem - in every sense of the word.

Sean Vessey said...

We are on the same wavelength. Great heat flows in your words. :-)