
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Is Happening With Blogger????

I am not sure if Blogger is having problems again...if it is from the Tornadoes in the mid west, or if it has anything to do with my upgrading to Internet Explorer 9, but my followers are not showing on either of my blogs. When I scroll down my blog, it sticks and jerks...

Is anyone else having problems?  I think I have had one comment.  I heard we needed to change our comment section to pop up and to removed the word verification, which I did...and still no comments...

Posting is acting up too...putting the letters in funky places.  Is it just me?  I have also tried Mozilla (which I am using now) and also had trouble with Chrome....


Pat said...

I have heard from a few people that they have had problem either leaving comments on blogs, or receiving comments on their own blog. I, myself only have a few comments on my blog. I tried to leave a comment on my own blog and was able to (then quickly deleted it). So I don't really know where (what region) people are having the problems.

Mari said...

Because of Andy being home, I haven't been posting so I don't know about that. I've heard lots of people are having trouble with comments. I can comment on some blogs and not others. We'll see if this goes through!

DJan said...

Hello? Can you hear me? Is anyone out there???? I've been commenting on all your posts. If you don't get this one, can you contact me directly?? :-) hahahaha

Chatty Crone said...

All I know is that I wish I hadn't loaded version 9 and blogger is having a lot of problems.

betty said...

it works for me, Donna! I can actually leave a comment, you know the other day I couldn't! I still can't leave comments on posts with comments embedded on the journal itself. Maybe it is the weather causing so many Blogger problems. I have a friend who has a domain through Blogger, has to pay for it and she hasn't been able to get onto Blogger for a few days, that would make me not happy!


Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Donna. This blogger business drives you up the wall, doesn't it. I haven't been able to leave comments for 2 or 3 days now, and it is so disappointing when you can't comment on your friends' posts. Last evening, it suddenly started working again for me. All I did was this - on my opening blogger page, where I have to sign in, there is a little box that says "stay signed in" and my box has always been ticked. Last evening I unticked it, and ever since then I have been able to leave comments again. How strange is that?! It's not you. Loads of people are having problems, so let's hope they get it sorted out soon. Grrrrr!! Enjoy your weekend my friend.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your site scrolled fine for me just now but I don't see your followers. (I'm using Firefox browser.)

LindyLouMac said...

I do not think it is the pop up box system to blame! I just think it is Blogger having problems, possibly a victim of it's own success and cannot cope with sheer volumes! I have come across a few others unable to comment, unless they do so as Anon and leave a name beneath comment, a way to beat the problem for now! Like you I have lost my followers just a blank space. Have a good weekend and hopefully Blogger will sort things out asap. :)

Donna B. said...

I googled the problem and it was suggested to delete the followers widget and then reinstall it. Now I have my followers on both blogs. I had to put my followers on the sidebar instead at the top, where I prefer it. When I went to reinstall it, there were only space for two widgets (I already had pages and the explanation for dedicating the blog to my maybe that was the problem. Only space for two things.)

Thank you everyone for your input. As long as I use firefox or chrome, I do not have the jerky scrolling problems I have with Internet Explorer 9.

Donna B. said...

For Clarification: I can put my followers on top of this blog, because I only have two widgets on top; My blue bird and my followers...OPPS! Now my followers are GONE AGAIN!

On my other blog, Mystical Journeys, I could NOT put my followers at the top because I already had the dedication and pages in addition to the followers. Now I have them in the side bar...better go check and see if they are still there!

Donna B. said...

*$#@&% BLAST IT!! Now the follower thumbnails are NO LONGER SHOWING!! WHAT THE HECK IS UP????