We have a Digital Scrap Booking magazine we want to explore and try some of the projects...some mysterious photograph trick Barbs learned from Bonnie, recipes to sample, a possible slumber party on Friday night...(my sister is staying with me and Bonnie is staying with Barbs...but we may have to combine forces in the Creative juices suck us all in...
We ALWAYS have a blast, whatever "trouble" we get ourselves into... I have a vinyl quote I want to hang above my dining room slider leading into the back patio...it says, " The Fondest Memories Are Made When Gathered Around The Table..." My sister is going to help me hang it..or should I say, "stick it" to the wall.
We may go sight seeing and take photographs and then do something with the photographs...it is a spontaneous combustion of who-knows-what and let's-go-for-it, type of weekend... My sister and I will no doubt do some treasure hunting at a few thrift stores, we are always good luck for one another... She is bringing a stamping she is going to let me borrow. I want to try some jewelry making...
When we are all together, we are the Sisterhood of the Ya Ya Traveling Creative Pants...