
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Drop in the Toilet...

We have been in Tucson, Arizona since Monday.  Just before leaving our home, I dropped my new smart phone in the toilet.  I had it in my back pocket... I will NEVER make that mistake again...

So I delayed us leaving because I took the phone apart and dried as much as I could with my hair dryer on cool...then I packed it in a bag of rice (to soak up the moisture) and took it in the car with us.  I held it on my lap so the sun would bake it...

Called Verizon...because I have insurance, only to discover my co-pay to replace my phone will be $99!!!  I thought it would be $50 max.  I am so canceling my ins...what a rip.  When I got the cell phone it was less than $99.

I was able to dry out the phone so I can call, get calls, text and get texts...but I don't think my navigation is working or the short cut bar on the home page of my cell phone screen...I will need a new one...

Been going around all week without a cell phone...and I have to say, I have kind of enjoyed it.

We have one more day with our friends, then we leave early Saturday morning for Thousand Oaks, CA.  We should be back home on Monday.

We have been having THE BEST TIME with our friends... my girlfriend and I have been friends for 43 years.  We've met some of their friends and have just been having the most fun!

More later...hugs to all of you...


Teresa said...

my daughter dropped her smart phone in her driveway yesterday. she's dropped it before - no problem. this time... shattered the screen. it's a touch screen. she can still make calls and such but it's got to be replaced. $100 co-pay. I think those have recently gone up (we have Verizon, too) and our insurance premium also went up.

DJan said...

sometimes we need something to remind ourselves that we don't really NEED all these gadgets. Maybe this was just what you needed! :-)

JeannetteLS said...

I thought one of my friends was the only one who has dropped her smart phone in the toilet, but you are the third person I've known who has done this... hmmmmm... surely we can read SOMETHING into that. Outrageous copay. Makes one wonder what good the insurance is.

More important? I hope you have a wonderful time with your friend... and hers. See you here next week.

betty said...

That "sucks" about your phone, Donna, and the replacement cost. When son has had to replace his twice (slow learner LOL) it was only $50 but it wasn't a smart phone.

So glad you are having a great time in Arizona!!


Southhamsdarling said...

That was a real bummer about your NEW phone!! Insurance is a right rip off really, isn't it?! So glad that you are having such a fun time with your friends. That's what life is all about really, isn't it? Take care.

Trees said...

Donna so sorry about your phone. My son took over someone elses account, told him not to but he did anyway. He inherited a blackberry, and I washed his clothes I always check carefully everything is out of the pockets. Thought I looked carefully with his vests for work. I took the laundry out and at the bottom was the blackberry. I called the phone company and they said it would be $500 to replace it, I almost had a heart attack. I took too the hair dryer to it and packed it in rice and dried it out, it was working he could make calls and get texts but he felt it never worked right. So he went to get a new one and the warranty was off this one that got fried. $250 to replace it but when he went to the store, the guy said to get a refurbished one for $149 so that is what he did these phones are very expensive and once something hapens never the same again. Glad you got yours replaced and yes the insurance plans are a waste of money ont hese phones.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I hope your phone troubles is ok by now...and enjoying your trip.
I saw your blog at Chatty's