I have always wondered what my particular purpose was...I'd feel myself pulled in many different directions. I have always been a champion for the under dog, and consequently, I would be emotionally exhausted, not knowing then, how to establish boundaries for myself. Telling someone, NO, was not something I was comfortable doing and always found myself wanting to escape from the situations I put myself in.
I have always been curious and needed to know, WHY? I felt I was an emotional explorer, more so than one who explores adventure. I was intrigued by various types and personalities. Wanting to know their unique stories was fascinating to me. I enjoyed experiences, especially the ones that make my pupils dilate with interest, which gave me the stimulus to keep seeking. I crave deep, philosophical conversations. Figuring things out. Unraveling the unknown. To me, that is the chocolate of life...
I guess I would have to say, I believe I am a Connector. I connect with people. I connect with experiences. I do believe there is a common thread woven into each of our lives and we are all, very much a like. That thought makes me feel mystical and warm. If everyone felt that way, think of how much more wonderful life would be...
When my parents warned me to stay away from something or some one...I wanted to know why. If their reasons did not make sense to me, then I would have to explore and find out myself...
What about you? What do you think? What are your experiences? What do you feel your purpose is?
Hello Donna
Thanks for dropping by my blog last week. I've just been reading your post and it has made me pause for thought.
Like you, I believe we are all linked - that everyone and everthing is interconnected, it's just that sometimes we don't see the links or the pattern. Life is about finding and making The patterns I think.
Best wishes, Gill
Donna, yes, we share the "why". Since my childhood I never stopped to ask my first question about something, well, you guessed it, It's always "why".
We should get to know each other better...why not;)
Hi Gill, thank you for visiting, I am glad the post made you pause for thought...I believe our instincts guide us, take us into the unknown. Depending on our inner strength and confidence depends how far we venture. If we persevere, we receive the explanation in retrospect as to the lesson we were meant to learn. We seek our complete self, and those who are courageous, find it.
Elena, I would love to get to know you better. We share curiosity, and that alone can take us places our logic warns us about. There is such excitement in wanting to know "why". Maybe that is why I love cats so much, they are so very curious. Welcome, and do come back...
Are you my sister??? I feel like I could have written this post. LOL - I am also a connector. I connect people with other people, weaving experiences in and out in ways that make them feel they know the other situation. I can often find similarities in most experiences so I can draw on those to offer comfort, advice, or just conversation to another.
I never questioned my parents (LOL - was too afraid of my dad and I'm a very timid person except when I'm defending my family) and I avoid confrontation as much as possible. People arguing or fighting make me physically sick and I am usually the mediator and peace maker.
Interesting post...
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