
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Lies Within Us...

What lies before us and what lies behind us
are small matters compared to
what lies within us.
And when we bring what is within
out into the world,
miracles happen.

Henry David Thoreau

This recent, global horror from the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17, shocks me, repulses me and leaves me wondering about the future of this world...

I think despicable actions of a minority of people, affecting various countries, more often then not, unite people.  We feel helpless, but we feel compassionate and want to reach out in some manner to the families and friends of the passengers and crew of this ill fated Airlines.  

We most certainly share the loss, as we all can relate and realize this appears to be happening more and more. God forbid it would happen to anyone we know and love...but I am certain, this is a universal thought of everyone, including those grieving now...never in a million years, thinking it would happen to them...

Yes, they may live in different countries across the world...thousands of miles away from us...but they each were some one's child, parent,  grand parent, sibling, partner, spouse, friend...and isn't that universal?  We all love, want to be loved in return, and to protect those we love.  We all laugh.  We all love. We all grieve....

We still are in disbelief at yet another Malaysian Airlines flight 370 which disappeared a little over four months ago and still has not been found.  I read search crews will resume August 1, 2014.

It reminds me how very important it is to live one's life to the fullest, leave nothing left unsaid, pursue your dreams with great passion and spend as much time with friends and loved ones.  Events like this remind us all how uncertain life is and which day will be our last day on this earth.

Watching the news coverage, I can't help feeling such a sadness with the loss of so many wonderful people in both Malaysian flights.  Scientists, researchers, Engineers, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Athletes, Students, innocent children and infants, snatched away before experiencing the lives they could have /continued/lead and the distinction their lives would have made in this world.

Each of us are works of wonder with tremendous potential, unique with talents and skills to share with our world; be it the influence within a family and circle of friends, a community, a state, a country, or a maximum global stature.  Each of us matter.  Each of us are important.

We will have our differences and I wish those differences were not threatening to so many...but they are....they just are...and we as individuals will encounter this challenge and learn to deal with it.  Ultimately, each of us are responsible for ourselves.  We must challenge ourselves to learn enough to realize we can agree to disagree and not lose any dignity.

Some of us have it completely wrong.  According to Brené Brown, Vulnerability is not weak, it is strong.  To lead a life, speaking one's truth, living in the unknown with uncertainty around us is very brave. Extremism is weak because it is rooted in shame. We can't do anything with is negative and destructive. Shame is ultimately fear. Afraid of the discovery that someone will find out about some inadequacy from being exposed... Attempting to control, insistence, rigidity, disapproval, intolerance, judgment is all bred from fear...

The older I get, I find it is more exhausting to hide anything!  It takes too much effort.  Futile effort...because we can never please everyone...and those who love and understand us, will always forgive us.  I've found the more vulnerable or honest I am, the more people seem to relate to me... Besides, I like who I am and if someone doesn't approve it's OK with me..."To each his own self be true".  I am OK with a difference of opinion....even if it is a polar opposite of what I believe to be true...

Yes, some times my instincts become alerted if someone disagrees loudly, or starts to attack me verbally.  I do my best to stay calm and if the situation continues to escalate by the other person, who is not satisfied with my suggestion to "agree to disagree" then I politely excuse myself and move on...

After viewing all the news lately, I cannot help but feel very blessed and thankful to live in these United States.  I cannot imagine not being able to sleep for fear my loved ones may be bombed, injured, maimed or killed!  Let alone waking to discover I survived the night but must herd all my loved ones and friends into a car, or wagon and leave my home and belongings behind to get as far away from my home as possible so we are not killed.

I find it so tragic to have such differences of opinion or belief so strongly one feels justified to kill to be right or get what they want.  Call me naive, and I realize I am trivializing a very complex, ongoing battle of differences... but for me, it is the bottom line.

I started this particular blog to discover the purpose of my life and to have like minded discussions with other people searching along the same path.  I wanted to hear and to learn how other's discovered their life purpose.

Personally, I would have to say, despite various ambitions to explore my creativity, my core concern has been family, friends, to be of service and to strive for enlightenment.
For me, an abundant life is a happy life shared with those I love and meeting new people who may or may not become friends.  I really enjoy learning and sharing.  I think I would classify myself as a "connector".  I seem to connect with all kinds of people.

How about you?  How do you feel?


DJan said...

It seems like it's been awhile since you've posted. I am also dismayed by the news, and the entire world seems to be exploding into chaos some days. When I begin to get overwhelmed by it all, I stop watching the news, because there really is nothing I can do but commiserate and perhaps send money.

It's always nice to hear your thoughts, and I agree that blogging has brought many of us together to share our lives. Glad to be part of yours, Donna. :-)

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

The world has become something that my grandparents wouldn't even recognize. For awhile I think I spent a great deal of time worrying about the world, politics and the future. Those are huge topics that were exhausting to read about, listen to and debate. I finally realized that other than casting my vote and praying.....there was little that I could do about the world, however, there is a lot I can do in my own little piece of it. I have since learned to focus on what I "can" control and where I can make a difference. I am leaving the big stuff to the Man Upstairs. I found that it surely makes me a much happier person and life is way too short to not be happy.