
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Friday, February 22, 2013


image from my Pinterest boards

I will be grateful
for my experiences
our company
all that I accomplished
and forgive myself
 for what I did not 
get done.

I am gracefully
bowing out
of plans for today
staying home 
spending time with my Izzy girl
who patiently
endured being ignored
as we ran here and there
 being boarded for a week.

I will find my carton
of Epsom Salts
pour a handful into my tub
1/2 cup baking soda
& ten drops
of Rosemary oil
close my eyes
and imagine 
I am soaking
in a nice warm tub
in a big open window
over looking an endless ocean... 

Peace and harmony
to you all 
this weekend...


Izzy happy to have my full attention...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Somedays...Catching Myself Smiling

 generated by laughitout . tumblr
from my Pinterest boards

It's really nippy outside
but thankfully
my ankle is doing so much better
Feels good to be walking again
instead of limping in pain
taking it slow and easy
is a new pattern for me
but if it means my ankle gets better
I will do it!

Baby steps are often 
more successful
than rushing in and burning out
losing a few pounds
remembering the tortoise and the hare story

More and more I see the benefits
of making my own self happy
instead of depending on others to do it

It is a choice
It is a mind set
It is a decision
It is up to me

Hectic, busy times ahead
and I will take it 
one day at a time...

I like it when I pass a mirror
and catch myself smiling...
