
Picture taken by my friend Cyndi Leos....thank you Cyndi.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Parenting Manifesto...

"Above all else,
I want you to know
that you are loved and lovable.
You will learn this from
my words and actions...
You will learn that you
are worthy of love,
and joy every time
you see me practice
self-compassion and embrace
my own imperfections.

We will laugh and sing
and dance and create.
We will always have permission
to be ourselves
with each other.
No matter what,
you will always belong here.
As you begin your
Wholehearted journey,
the greatest gift
that I can give to you
is to live and love
with my whole heart and 
to dare greatly."

Brené Brown
from her book, Daring Greatly

1 comment:

DJan said...

Lovely poem, Donna. I see you have gone back to that (to me) original photo in your header. It's definitely a keeper. :-)